Programne : Jeudi 11 juillet
9h30 - 10h Welcome coffee
Session 1 | ||
10h00 | LoRaWan, Sigfox, NB-IoT, LTE-M: quel LPWAN choisir pour son objet connecté ? | Alexis Duque, Rtone |
10h25 | Autonomie énergétique des capteurs pour réseaux LPWAN : expérimentations LoRa et LTE CAT-M | Matthieu Gautier, IRISA |
10h50 | Year 10 of LPWAN, Where Are We and Perspectives | Paul Pinault, Michelin |
Session 2 | ||
11h45 | Cubesats: a Low Cost Opportunity for IoT Satellites | Didier Donsez, LIG |
12h10 | LoRa+ : évolution du protocole LoRaWAN pour l'amélioration de la QoS pour les réseaux denses de capteurs | Hussein Mroue, Polytech Nantes |
12h35 | SCHC: a Header Compression for LPWAN | Laurent Toutain, IMT Atlantique |
13h - 14h30 Déjeuner et Session Posters
Cognitive MAC Layer for Dedicated IoT Networks |
Abderrahman Ben Khalifa, INSA Lyon / Inria Agora |
Prototyping New Smart Lighting Sensor | Manoel Dahan, INSA Lyon / Inria Agora |
Low Power Wide Area Hybrid Networks for Power Utility Applications |
Olivia Bory Devisme, LE²P-Energy LAB |
Mobile Citizen Measurements and Modelling: Air Quality and Heat Islands in Lyon |
Mohamed Anis Fekih, INSA Lyon / Inria Agora |
Data Aggregation in LPWAN | Kawtar Lasri, INSA Lyon, Inria Agora INPT Rabat |
Spoofed Acknowledgments Attacks Against 802.15.4 UWB-IR In An Open Testbed For Secure Indoor Localization |
Baptiste Pestourie, LCIS Valence |
Extending LPWANs with Heterogeneous Mesh Networks |
Mina Rady, Orange Labs |
Session 3 | ||
14h30 | Décodage de trames LoRa en collision | Alexandre Guitton, LIMOS |
14h55 | Exploring collisions in LoRaWAN | Abdoul Aziz Mbacké, INSA Lyon, Inria |
15h20 | Spatial Issues in Modeling LoRaWAN Capacity | Andrzej Duda, Grenoble INP, LIG |
15h45 | Scalable and Energy Efficient LoRa Networks | Nicola Accettura, LAAS-CNRS, CNRS |
Session 4 | ||
16h40 | Timemaps for Improving Performance of LoRaWAN | Thanh-Hai To, Grenoble INP, LIG |
17h05 | Experimentation and Characterization of LoRaWAN Channels | Baozhu Ning, Semtech |
17h30 | Deploying Low-Cost LoRa IoT Across Africa (WAZIUP and WAZIHUB H2020 projects) | Ehsan Muhammad, LIUPPA/UPPA |
Programne : Vendredi 12 juillet
8h30 - 8h45 Welcome coffeeSession 5 | ||
8h45 | Towards the next generation of LPWANs: A Turbo-FSK based approach from PHY to MAC layers analysis | Arturo Guizar Valérian Mannoni CEA Leti |
9h10 | Optimization of LoRaWAN Planning | Christelle Caillouet, I3S, Univ. Nice Côte d'Azur, CNRS, Inria |
9h35 | Repeaters in LoRaWAN networks: proprietary and LoRa Alliance solutions |
Dominique Barthel, Orange Labs |
10h - 10h25 Pause café
Session 6 | ||
10h25 | Réseaux LoRa au service de la surveillance environnementale avec des capteurs à bas coût | Walid Bechkit, INSA Lyon, Inria Agora |
10h50 | Towards the Use of Commercial Flights for Data Collection in Wide White Area Networks | Djibrilla Adamou, L2S Centralesupelec |
11h15 | Asset tracking dans l'industrie en utilisant Lora et BLE | Borga Aydin, Orange Business Services |
11h40 - 13h30 Session Pédagogique LPWAN - Salle Vitrine
11h40 | Synthèse des cours LPWAN | Oana Iova INSA Lyon Inria Agora |
11h55 | Séance de créativité | Fabrice Valois INSA Lyon Inria Agora |
12h40 | Court retour d'expériences:
13h00 | Restitution de la séance de créativité | Fabrice Valois INSA Lyon Inria Agora |